Sports Grant & Swimming

 Sports Predicted Funding Report 2020-2021

We are proud of our PE curriculum at Shalom Noam Primary School. We aim to create a learning environment where every child is physically confident and able to find something that they are good at and enjoy. The Government is providing funding to improve physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools over a number of academic years. 

The Grant has enabled us to purchase:-

  • Outdoor Table Tennis Table
  • Agility equipment such as spring boards and trapezoid vaulting horse.
  • Bikes
  • SEN equipment
  • Sports Day
  • Planned swimming
  • Continuous Professional development for teaching staff



Table Tennis

Children's work, behaviour and even physical health as well as mental health can be improved by getting them involved in playing ball relating activities.

Special Educational Needs Pupils

Sports teach teamwork and problem-solving skills, boosts self-esteem and helps reduce pressure and stress.  This also helps with co-ordination.


 Shalom Noam Primary very much wish to take part in swimming, particularly for KS2.  At the moment all plans for this has been put on hold due to COVID.

Sports Day

This has many benefits to both children and staff alike. The day helps children develop mental and physical toughness.  Sports improve their blood circulation and their physical well-being.